Reasons why your dog may be stinky

April 11, 2022 11:00
If you’re a dog owner, you will know that dog ownership comes with a certain level of…well stink. Many accept a certain level of odour from our dogs (particularly after a walk in the rain or a swim), it comes with the territory.

Dogs accumulate dirt and bacteria under their coat, which produces a not-so-pleasant aroma that can generally be remedied by a good bath or wash. Different breeds of dogs also produce stronger smells, for example, Pugs, Cocker Spaniels and Retrievers often have a strong odour, while short-haired and less oily-skinned breeds like greyhounds have little to no smell.

If your pooch is consistently ponging up your home, there may be some deeper medical issues that you need to address.

Skin infection

Bacteria and allergies can lead to skin infections. Bacterial infections produce toxins that cause irritation and inflammation which in turn breaks down the natural barrier of the skin and results in infection. Allergies cause itchy skin which dogs scratch and lick, inevitably bacteria enters the broken skin and causes an infection.

Dental disease

An extremely common condition in dogs that can lead to some serious consequences. Dental disease can occur when plaque is allowed to accumulate on your dog's teeth which can harden into tartar. The combination of plaque and tartar can put out the balance of bacteria in your dog's mouth and lead to gingivitis and infection. Particularly stinky dog breath is a tell-tale sign of dental issues.

Kidney disease
Much like dental disease, dogs with kidney disease will produce a strong odour on their breath. Dogs suffering from kidney disease are unable to break down and eliminate waste products from their blood, which build up and create an ammonia-like smell in their breath.

Ear infections

Ears are a hotbed for bacteria as they provide a warm and moist environment. If you notice an unusual stink coming from your dog's ears, or if there are overly shaking their head or scratching their ears – they may be suffering an ear infection.

Anal sacs

The two small glands located on either side of your dog's rectum are weapons of mass stink. They excrete a thin, stinky fluid when your dog defecates to allow your dog to 'mark their scent'. The sacs can become infected or impacted which usually results in excessive licking of the area or a bum scoot across the floor.
If your pooch is exhibiting any of the above symptoms, it's wise to get advice from your vet.