Top Tips To Keep Your Greyhound Cosy This Winter

May 16, 2017 22:10

Winter is just around the corner and there's a definite chill in the air, which means it's very important to start thinking about how to keep your greyhound warm during the next few months. Due to their low level of body fat and thin skin, greyhounds are much more susceptible to extreme weather conditions. Very young and elderly dogs are also more sensitive to weather changes as well. The need to maintain their vital organs at a fairly constant temperature means that a greyhound's body has to work harder during the winter to keep warm. Exposure to cold temperatures increases the risk of muscle injuries, chills, respiratory and sinus problems, as well as aggravating arthritis. If a greyhound becomes too cold for long periods, it may begin to suffer from hypothermia as the body restricts blood flow to their skin and extremities. Hypothermia can lead to serious problems such as unconsciousness, tissue death, coma and in some cases - death. Here is some advice on how to make sure your furry family member(s) stays warm and dry this winter!

Housing & Bedding

Winter Dog Wear Coats


greyhound's diet and characteristics


We'd love to see the ways you and your greyhounds keep warm during winter. Make sure to share them with us on our social pages!