How to choose the right bed for your dog

September 15, 2020 09:06
Just like humans, dogs need their own space to rest and recharge. While most of the time they are happy to lounge around anywhere in the home (particularly by your feet or on the sofa), it’s important they have a dedicated spot where they can retreat and get some well-earned sleep.

If you’ve ever taken a stroll down the pet aisle of your department store, or ventured down the bedding section of a pet store, you will know that there is an enormous number of choices for dog bedding, which can sometimes prove overwhelming.

If you’re looking for the perfect bed for your pooch, there are a number of questions you can answer to help guide your choice.

What size bed should I get?

The size of your dog is the most important factor in navigating the choice of bedding. The bed should be large enough for them to be able to lay down comfortably in all preferred positions, with some room left over to stretch out. For greyhounds, this means the bed should be large enough to support their head, body and legs when they are laying down in their preferred sideways position.

Does your dog have any specific needs?

If your dog has specific health conditions, bedding choice may help to alleviate any discomfort or ailments that may have:

  • Arthritis or joint pain: orthopaedic beds have been designed with high-density memory foam mattresses which supports the joints, muscles and spine by moulding to the natural shape of your dogs’ body.
  • Old age: if your dog is at the later stages of life, consider a bed that is low to the ground (ie. Steer clear of raised beds) made with memory foam.
  • Anxious or shy: look for an igloo style bed that allows dogs to completely retreat from the world inside a cocooned space.
What is your dogs preferred sleeping position?

Greyhounds like to sleep on their sides with their legs sprawled out, for this reason, a cushion or pillow style bed will perfectly support all of their limbs.

If your dog likes to curl up into a tight little furry ball, basket style beds will allow them to feel snug and secure as the raised sides wrap around them whilst also providing pillow support for their little heads.

While your dog is usually happy to play, it’s important to teach your friends and family members (particularly small children) that sleeping dogs should be left alone. Dogs know when they need to rest and will take themselves off to bed, for the safety of your dog and family, sleeping dogs should not be disturbed.