Protecting your dog from NYE fireworks

December 30, 2020 11:00
While New Year’s Eve is an exciting time for us as we count down to the fireworks that ring in the New Year, it can be a terrifying and stressful time for your greyhound. The loud noises from the fireworks display induce severe stress on your pooch and can cause them to take flight in an effort to escape the noise. It’s not uncommon for dogs to jump through glass, jump over fences or dig their way under fences to try and get away.

There are many ways that you can reduce your dogs’ anxiety, and keep them as calm as possible during this time. Here are a few ways to keep your dog as relaxed as possible during NYE:

-       Speak to your vet about possible treatment options that could be used as a once-off remedy
-       Go for a lengthy walk or run and feed them a good dinner before the fireworks start. This should tire them out as well as ensure their belly is full to avoid unnecessary anxiety.
-       Keep your dog indoors and close all of the windows, blinds, and curtains.
-       Create a comfortable hiding place for your dog to retreat should they need to. Include things like their bed, favourite blanket, and toy
-       Put on music or the TV to mask the noise
-       Do not punish your dog for showing signs of distress, this will only make the situation worse
-       Do not chain your dog up as panicked dogs can choke themselves on a collar or lead
-       If you cannot be with your dog, leave them in the care of someone who can supervise them, and ensure they are comforted for the duration of the fireworks.
-       It’s not uncommon for illegal fireworks to be set off in the neighbourhood throughout the night, for this reason, it's a good idea to keep your pet indoors for the duration of the night.

It’s also important for you to remain calm and not fuss over your pooch as uncharacteristic fussing can cause them to become anxious. Try to maintain a peaceful environment and ensure your pooch is comforted when they show signs of distress so you can both ring in the New Year in a healthy and happy place.