Telltale signs your dog loves you (pun intended)

August 15, 2021 11:00
I’m sure there’s no doubt in your mind that your four-legged friend makes love eyes at you. They’re not called ‘man’s best friend’ for no reason. Dogs are loyal, intelligent, and loving companions who show their love for you every single day.

Here are a few things to look for that are telltale signs that your pooch loves you.

Wanting to be close to you, always: Dog are pack animals, so if they are following you around and always wanting to be connected to you somehow, then it’s a clear sign they love and respect you. Whether it’s at your feet, on your lap, or if you have a greyhound - leaning into you whilst standing, these are all clear signs.

Yawning at the same time: It’s common for humans to yawn when they see other people yawning, this is because we are empathetic creatures. Dogs have also been found to do this with their owners, which shows a really strong bond between man and canine.

Showing affection after a meal: There’s no doubt that dogs are highly motivated by food, it’s the vehicle we’ve used to train them for millennia. If your dog still wants to lay on you after a feed, they are being motivated by nothing other than love for you.

Chewing on your shoes or socks: As annoying as this can be, the reason they may be doing this is that they love the smell of you - which can be quite concentrated in your shoes and socks. They want to savour the smell of you which can be intoxicating for them.

Of course, you don’t need to read an article to know that your dog loves you. They have become experts at reading your body language, and do all of the things to make you love them back.