How to help with motion sickness

August 19, 2021 11:00
If you have ever suffered from motion sickness, you will know the horrible feeling of dizziness and nausea that sets in when travelling on planes, boats, or even in cars.
But did you know that dogs also suffer from motion sickness? This can be characterised by heavy drooling, whining, being extremely unsettled, and even vomiting and diarrhoea.
If your dog suffers from the dreaded motion sickness, there are a few things that you can do to help them feel more comfortable and less sick.
  1. Build their tolerance: You can start to build your dogs’ tolerance for car rides by taking them on short trips, like having them accompany you to the local shops. Once your dog can handle short trips, start to make the trips longer and gradually build on the time they are spending in the car.
  2. Ramp up the fun: Attach a positive association to the car by including time to stop and play mid-journey, as well as scheduling in adventures with your dog - which also gives you more time to bond with them.
  3. Forward-facing: Put them in the forward-facing position so they can see where they’re going. Invest in a good harness to help keep them safe in this position.
  4. Put the windows down: Crack the windows down to give them plenty of fresh air and ensure they feel less ‘caged in’.
  5. Frequent stops: If you’re going on a long trip, ensure you schedule in regular breaks for them to relieve themselves and stretch their legs. It’s a good opportunity to also give them water and ensure they are hydrated.
These tactics are designed to gradually build your dogs’ tolerance for being in a moving vehicle, and won’t happen overnight. Like anything, they take time, patience, and hard work. If your dogs' motion sickness is severe, please speak to your vet for professional advice.