Why adoption is the way to go

By gapnsw.com.au
January 27, 2022 11:00
If you’ve been considering greyhound adoption or looking to give your current furry friend a companion – adoption is the way to go!
Not only will you give a greyhound the chance to live out the rest of their life in a loving home, but you’ll gain a friend for life and be supported by the GAPNSW team the whole way through the process.

And if that's not enough to sway you, here are a few more reasons.

Second chance at life 
When you bring a greyhound into your home, you are opening the door to a new life for them. Retired greyhounds don’t know what it’s like to be a pet and simple things like walking up stairs or on the carpet are foreign to them.

It’s cheaper

The price of designer puppies has skyrocketed due to demand from the pandemic. It's not uncommon to pay upwards of $6,000 for a puppy and wait 6+ months for a litter to be born. Adoption is much cheaper and in our opinion, you get a lot more for your money!

Less training

Most dogs come with basic training so they require less of your time to settle them into the home and set up a routine. For the most part, they have been toilet trained, know how to sleep through the night, and know basic commands.

Paw-fectly suited
Unlike the risk, you take when buying a pup, GAPNSW will consult with you on your lifestyle, preferences, and what you're looking to get out of your new pet. Armed with this knowledge, we find a greyhound that is suited to your particular needs. It’s like online dating and getting exactly what’s in the profile!
You get the perfect starter kit

We give you everything you need to get started. Your greyhound will come with a muzzle, lead, collar, worming treatment, and information on their history (including personality traits). If there was ever a 'manual' for owning a dog, this is as close as you're going to get.
Ready to take the plunge? Apply today or call us on 1800 696 377 for a chat.