Socialisation refers to a specific developmental period that normally happens in puppies (this period ranges from 3-17 weeks, depending on the particular breed).
Socialisation refers to a specific developmental period that normally happens in puppies (this period ranges from 3-17 weeks, depending on the particular breed).
Recall is the ability of your dog to return to you when called.
Activities around the front door, be it knocking or the doorbell ringing - signify a change.
Looking for a staycation these holidays but unsure which establishments will welcome your pooch with open arms?
The Police Association of NSW’s 23,000 members will be given instant access to adopt greyhounds as pet companion animals under a ground-breaking new welfare partnership announced in Sydney today.
If you’re a dog owner, you will know that dogs spend a great deal of time staring at you. Whether they’re looking intently at you while you eat, or their eyes follow you around the room as you go about daily life - dogs stare for many reasons (and none have anything to do with being creepy).
Even though dogs have one-fifth of the taste buds that humans do, the taste is super important to dogs. Compared to humans who have 9,000 taste buds, the average dog has 1,700 taste buds.
Despite their large stature, greyhounds are sensitive and emotional animals. This means they can become a picky eater any time there is a change in their life or if they are feeling any level of stress or anxiety.
What is witching and whining?
For many dogs, going for a walk is the highlight of their day. If a dog's excited about something, it wants to engage with it wholeheartedly, which can sometimes mean a lot of pulling and excitement on the leash!
As much as it would be nice to cuddle up to our dogs 24/7, there are always times when we need to leave our dogs home alone.
Given the gentle temperament of greyhounds and the fact that they generally don’t
As dog lovers, we don’t like to think about the time when we need to say goodbye to our beloved companions but the reality is we will outlive them. That’s why it’s important to ensure we give them the best life possible by keeping them happy and healthy.
The answer can be complex and there are pros and cons to both. Generally speaking, dogs are social animals and enjoy the companionship of other dogs.
Terms like ‘dog aggression on walks’ and ‘why is my dog aggressive around food’ are all popular search terms.
As life returns to a new ‘normal’ and people return to offices and resume their travel arrangements it may seem like a less than ideal time to adopt a greyhound.– animal shelters have seen a sharp spike in the number of pets being surrendered to shelters.
For most dog owners, their dog is not just a 'pet'. So it's no surprise that a recent survey by Great Australian Dog revealed that 65% of dogs sleep in their owner's bedrooms & 56% of those sleep under the covers!
Tuesday, 4 October, is World Animal Day, where animal lovers across the globe unite to make the world a better place for all animals.
It seems every second day is National This Day, International That Day, and they are generally supporting very good causes, but for us at Greyhounds As Pets, this Saturday, October 1, is a very significant day.
The genetics of colour inheritance in greyhounds tends towards dark colours. Dark coloured greyhounds are the most common, however, they are the least requested colour.